Inlays and Onlays

inlays onlays

At Kathy Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Kathy Daroee and our team focus on creating effective and natural looking restorations that have a minimal amount of impact on your smile and your body. One of the ways that we accomplish that is through the use of porcelain dental inlays and onlays in Woodland Hills, California. If you are dealing with tooth decay or minor damage to a tooth, call 818-347-1550 today to schedule your appointment.

Our dentist uses dental inlays and onlays to repair cavities or damage that may be too big for a filling but are not extensive enough to require a dental crown. A dental inlay is frequently used when the damage or decay does not reach the cusps or outer edges of the tooth. In cases in which the damage does affect the cusps, Dr. Daroee may recommend a dental onlay. While inlays and onlays can be made of gold or even composite resin, Dr. Daroee uses porcelain because it blends in perfectly with the surface of your tooth and for its durability.

If you have a cavity, area of decay or damage to your tooth and are not sure what your next step should be, call our office to see if you could benefit from a dental inlay or onlay.

Dental Inlays & Onlays FAQ

What is the difference between an inlay and an onlay?

Both inlays and onlays are used to restore damaged teeth. The difference between a dental inlay and a dental onlay is that an inlay is used when the damage does not reach the cusps, or pointed ends, of the tooth. An onlay is used when the damage extends to one or more of the cusps.

When would I need an inlay or onlay?

Inlays and onlays are recommended when a tooth has sustained damage that is too large for a filling but not extensive enough for a full dental crown. For this reason, inlays and onlays are sometimes referred to as “partial crowns.”

What is the procedure for getting an inlay or onlay?

The process for getting a dental inlay or onlay is similar to having a crown placed in that it typically takes more than one visit. However, it involves far less removal of tooth structure than what crowns typically require. On your first visit, impressions will be taken and the tooth will be shaped to receive the restoration. A temporary filling will be placed to protect your tooth. The lab will create your inlay or onlay, and when you return for your second visit, our dentist will place the restoration on the tooth to complete your treatment.

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