As dental technology has evolved, dentists have found more effective ways to treat the most common to the most complex dental problems. When it comes to fillings, many dentists and patients are opting for composite resin fillings over the traditional amalgam fillings. Amalgam fillings contain trace amounts of mercury and many people are uncomfortable with any amount of mercury or other metals in their smiles. If you have amalgam fillings and would like to replace them with composites, our dentist, Dr. Kathy Daroee, can remove your old fillings
As part of that process, Dr. Daroee uses the Air Vac system in Woodland Hills California, during your visit to protect you from the mercury vapors that can be released during the amalgam removal process. This is a specially designed filtration system which will catch and remove potentially harmful vapors from the area around you and the dental team. Along with the vapors, this system also catches the dust and particulates that can create health hazards. The Air Vac system is just one way that our team protects your smile and your health and we invite you to call our Kathy Cosmetic Dentistry at 818-347-1550 to learn more today.
Air Vac FAQ
What is Air Vac?
Air Vac is a state-of-the-art filtration system used primarily for safely removing amalgam material from your mouth. This system uses three filters — a pleated pre-filter, an HEPA filter and a blended carbon filter — to remove harmful vapors and particles from your mouth and the surrounding air and to give you a safer treatment.
How does the Air Vac system benefit me?
Silver amalgam filling material contains a mixture of metals, including mercury. When this amalgam is removed from your mouth, some particles break off and mercury vapor (the most harmful form of mercury) may fall off the filling material as well as the tooth. The Air Vac system removes these particles and vapors from the air, preventing you from ingesting them. Air Vac is also helpful for individuals who are chemically sensitive. This vacuum can be used to clean the air before, during and after their appointment to make their experience more pleasant.
When will Air Vac be used?
Air Vac will be used when Dr. Daroee is removing amalgam fillings or other metals from your mouth. We may also use this device during laser treatments, air abrasion or other procedures that could produce particles in the air or in your mouth.